Wednesday. 10/28/09

November 3, 2009

treasure hunt with stacy.    Treaure on the River Road.  St. Joe’s School.  Christian school.  Buildings being torn down.  Gary and Sharon’s arrival.  Meeting with them.

Computer lab.

Thursday. 10/29/09

November 3, 2009

Revelation bible memorization.

soup kitchen. new rice tomato recipe.  block cheese.

high school.  group work.  Mentor man.  prayer.  ministry.  graph creation.  excellent.  J___ H___ and li___ good testimony conversation.  Ride home.  Rainy.  copies.  paperclips.  yearbook.

educational website research.

missed sheena meeting.

potato soup dinner.

Friday. 10/30/09

November 3, 2009


Whitney letters.


mrs. goff.



Carbondale.  Good gospel.

Monday. 11/02/09

November 3, 2009

Listen through men speak word of future.

Assembly day at Bennett.  Choose respect.  Choose responsibility.  Value.  Value.  Value.  Behavior choices matter.  Choice and Accountability.

Awesome prayerwalk in Emerson.  Went the other way.  Met two Jesus lovers it was beautiful.

Sister Genet fall.

Tuesday. 11/03/09

November 3, 2009

Grouchy morning.

Now is the time.  Throw down your net again.  By the word of the Lord and the power of the Spirit.  Calling each one by name.  Thanksgiving for salvation ahead of time.  Pour out your spirit.  Manifest kindness upon the earth.  Jesus in this city.

Southern gate receives your spirit.  Receives your word.  Fire.


Tuesday. 10/27/09

October 27, 2009

7:30  Bennet Prayer.  Go low was the word.

8:00  City Intercession with Stacy.  Two topics started with praying in advance Halloween weekend coming up and two regional prayer meetings coming up this weekend.  Meeting moved into recognizing divine placement for Stacy and I and a calling to advocacy.

10:00  Continued Advocacy Writing.  🙂

12:30-2:00  Hitting three classrooms today about CHARACTER.

2:00-5:00 Lab.  Catching up, having fun, getting to know people better, building trust, little by little, day by day…

Monday. 10/27/09

October 27, 2009

Long distance meeting over Skype with leadership.

In house worship.

12:30 Hit three classrooms talking about character.

What is Character?

Why is it important?  Does it affect us?

Character Traits:  Trustworthiness, Caring, Sharing, Honesty, Forgiveness, Responsiblity, Respect, Excellence, Wisdom, Loyalty, Citizenship, Perseverance, Committment, Diligence, Relationship, Communication, Generosity, Self-Control

Activity to help them discover character traits that they are weak in that we can talk about, make mistakes in, and grow in as a group in a safe environment.  Learn from one another.  We’re all starting at different places.  Helping them become the best person they can be.  Not just learning facts but learning about who they’re becoming as people.

2:00 Driving with G___.  Olive Branch, Mounds, Cairo.  Doing great.  Licence soon.

3:35  Prayerwalking; McBride Projects.  Started off with I___.  Very loud, whiny, needy, interrupting, rough, met up with other kids.  Could not continue prayer with her around, despite how helpful she’s been in the past, had to ask her to leave.  Sat on ground reading from bible.  Soon 20 or so kids around us.  Some making faces, disrupting, others listening and watching intently, some just resting peacefully with us there.  Continued with the ones who were there.  Prayed over families.  Fewer and fewer as we continued to read and talk about Jesus.  Down to three/four main ones.  We moved with them over to the playground all the while interacting about church, questions, things God’s showing them.  One in particular learning a lot of wisdom and truth about life around her and how God sees it.  She doesn’t realize it’s him yet.  Another one very interested and likes the things of God but does not yet know Jesus in a personal relationship yet.  Talked about what it would be like if God showed up in McBride.  What would change, what would be different.  What are somethings that they want God to show up on.  Rapes of children they said.  Gambling.  Taking of children.  Fear.  Told them to talk to God about these things and he’s looking for people to ask him to come in these situations.  Prayed with the two of them.  Three more joined.  Prayed with them individually too.

Some HS Highlights

October 25, 2009

Tuesday morning.  10/20/09  Heard testimony of a class of sixth graders going to see the new Tyler Perry movie as a reward.  There is a character in it that suffers from abuse as a child.  A teacher that saw it with her students afterwards shared her story of suffering abuse as a child and how she’s worked through it.  She had the students journal and the students were able to share pages of experiences that they maybe have never shared before, finding a safe environment to share and dialogue about what’s happened to them in this city growing up.  Third of class had been raped.  Know an adult they can trust who has been what they’ve been through.

Later that day I recieved clear answered prayer in regards to clarification for this season.  Was one of my prayer requests on my mailing!

Thursday night.  10/22/09 Same teacher had an adult for parent teacher conferences show up and accuse her of very clearly lies that her prinicpal and co-workers denied to be true.  We got to meet with her and pray with her about it and I could see her countenance change.  Praise God she’s impacting the lives of these youth.  I also got to hear some strong lessons that my roommate teacher has learned this year working in the local school system.

Local Church.  10/25/09  Ministered to by the Holy Spirit in a local church.  Enough said. Praise God.  16 Baptisms next weekend.

Ministry on the streets in a nearby city.

Regional Church Intercession Meeting.  Heard the Lord’s heart for a regional church near us and joined them in prayer for God’s plan for them as a people.  It’s a blessing to pray with the Holy Spirit under leadership submitting to the Lord and desiring his will.  Group of hungery hearers of the Lord being trained up as his mouthpieces.

Monday. 10/20/09

October 20, 2009

9:00  Got called Monday morning.  A Shawnee (local community college) employee called and said they were wondering why they couldn’t get on our computers.  We didn’t know they were coming.  Went over with Stacy and set them up.  It was seniors from the High School applying for different colleges and testing online.  Met another lady with her that’s on full-time staff with Shawnee helping out Cairo High School students.
11:00  Invited to help out at the High School with a new rewards program.  Every student that didn’t get written up was rewarded with hot dogs grilled by the new principal and chips and home-made cookies and beer nuts.  We showed up and helped the first round.  The second round it was just Stacy and I serving.  Only two students tried to lie and say they were on the list.  It worked, everyone wanted hot dogs and cookies but for the most part only those who earned them received them.  I got to witness when the class president was named and the lunch erupted cheering.  The student who was elected is an exemplary young man in the community.  Kind, excellent grades, works a job in the community, and shows respect.  Good is being recognized as good.
1:45  Stopped in coffee shop.  One person living and working alone for two weeks.  Said hi.  Met a hitchhiker that came from Kentucky that came to visit for a few days.
2:00  No g__
2:15  Second try.  As I’m pulling out G__ walks up and gets in.  We go driving.  Good day.  Hand out cold sodas left over from wedding while driving.  High schoolers, guy at post office, and others.  Fun.  Mounds.  Good handling of curves.
3:30  Elmwood prayer walking.  I had connected with some boys from Elmwood the week prior but one and so we went to his place directly first.
His mom super needed to see us.  She poured out her heart to us.  We encouraged her to pray.  She’s an awesome mom.  Priviledge to hear her heart.  She feels God has placed her there.  Walks in wisdom amidst people making poor choices around her.  Encouraged her to pursue the areas she’s gifted in.  Played with her and her kids.  More gathered around us.  Had good heart to heart with one young man who’s had 4 people die in his family in a year and a half.  I prayed with him for strength for his grandmother.  He can see her weighted down.  Saw A___ the girl I read the bible with.  Saw another single mom and her daughter, reconnected with her.  Was given juice to drink while visiting earlier.
I came back later to give her family some hamburger patties and she gave me some sweet potato fried they didn’t like and before I pulled through someone in the row said hi to me.  It was one of the guys that was from that community church I had talked to the day before.  I ran up to him and re introduced myself because I hadn’t gotten his name the day before.  He asked if I was praying with people. I said I was earlier and just dropped off some food.  He said ‘you stay in Cairo?’  I said yeah I’ve lived here starting my 5th year.  There was someone yelling out their second story window for him to do hair.  I asked if he stayed in Elmwood.  He said yes and said I was welcome anytime.  I asked if he does hair.  He said yeah, not a major business or anything but on the side.  He was on his way somewhere.  I appreciated his kind greeting and was on my way.  I know what it feels like to wonder if someone is being kind to you with the agenda of your conversion.  God does not love to convert.  God loves because its his nature.  I still appreciated his kindness.

Saturday. 10/17/09

October 20, 2009


Went to area where purse was stolen from Carney’s car last week.  Found many items.  Prayed over area, short-cut to projects.  Prayed about this community church that’s right there over the land.  Sang, worshipped.

Sunday.  10/18/09

Driving through town.  Group of guys selling hats on side of road.  Felt the Holy Spirit leading me to turn around and pray with them.  I turned around.  I approached.  Told them why I was there.  There was a bible out.  They were all from the community church that I prayed over the day before.  Some people would say they’re not Christians.  I don’t even know if they call themselves Christians. They don’t consider those who say they follow “Jesus” true followers of Scripture in it’s original Hebrew form because they have the name wrong.  They were trying to convert me and cause me to denounce the name of Jesus.  I was willing to pray with them because their heart was to lead people to what they felt the one true worship of the God of the bible was.  They would not until I denounced Jesus.  I asked if I could pray for myself.  So I did.  They saw my love for God almost to the point of tears and the Lord kept me from reacting too strongly in self defense during my conversation with them.  The Holy Spirit maintained kindness in me and I asked their names at the end and shook their hands.  One of them gave me a purse they were selling and told me to remember what God blessed me that day. 

I think the Lord was showing me more of his heart and how to pray for them according more in the likeness of his heart.  They do hold to scritpure and the teachings of Jesus even if they say that everyone who calls upon him not in his true Hebrew form is not saved.  The Lord desires all who love him and obey him to be one.  I pray that all who love him and obey him would be one.  I bless them and understand them more than I have.  Some of us have referred to them as a cult not understanding them but I met some brothers that day even if they would not call me sister.  I want to meet more of our extended family however they are and I will love them with you Jesus.  Help us all walk in greater and greater love.